The Herald of Autumn
A new anthology of exciting novellas and short stories is almost done, I'm tinkering with one or two last entries, but it won't be long now until it is ready for your eyes.

Murder on Fort Street
Anthology of short fiction

Murder on Fort Street is getting a hardcover special edition! Look for it soon. I'm excited to start working on a sequel, the whole story is already in my head, but getting it out onto the page is a lot of work. I need you to tell all your friends about Detective McCready, and get the pressure on me to type that baby into existence.
Homo Superior and the Anahita Chronicles have been re-edited and re-released with a cleaner edit and new cover art appropriate for the themes of the novels. I've never been so happy with my work or so proud of the finished product. Happy reading!
Part XIII of my ongoing Halloween Horror serial "La Saveur de la Vie" is now live!
La Saveur de la Vie is a serial horror novel, written in chapters every October starting in 2012. I forbid myself to write a single word of this story outside of the Halloween season. It is, and always will be, a free Halloween special exclusive to this blog.​